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Buy Bimatoprost

  • Product Code:Bimatoprost
  • Availability:In Stock

Available Options

Quantity Price Unit Price
0.03%/3ml x2eye drops $28.00 $14.00
0.03%/3ml x3eye drops $42.00 $14.00
0.03%/3ml x4eye drops $52.00 $13.00
0.03%/3ml x5eye drops $62.00 $12.40
0.03%/3ml x6eye drops $72.00 $12.00
0.03%/3ml x8eye drops $92.00 $11.50
0.03%/3ml x10eye drops $110.00 $11.00
0.03%/3ml x12eye drops $126.00 $10.50
0.03%/3ml x14eye drops $140.00 $10.00
0.03%/3ml x16eye drops $152.00 $9.50
0.03%/3ml x20eye drops $180.00 $9.00
0.03%/3ml x25eye drops $200.00 $8.00

Glaucoma is one of the most dangerous eye conditions that can lead to complete loss of vision. It happens due to increase in the ocular pressure on the optic nerve inside the eye. For the treatment of this dreaded eye issue you can take the help of Bimatoprost eye solution. This is an effective medication that is useful for bringing down the pressure inside the eye and restores the vision of the eye.

The medication of Bimatoprost is also used for increasing the eyelashes and making them longer and thicker. The ophthalmic serum of Bimatoprost is approved by Food and Drug Administration department of USA. You can easily buy Bimatoprost from an online pharmacy and that too at cheap rate. The eye serum of Bimatoprost is also sold under the brand name of Generic Latisse.

How does Bimatoprost works?

The medication of Bimatoprost is an eye lash enhancer that helps in growing the eye lashes long and thick. This eye medication is also useful for treatment of serious eye condition like glaucoma which can lead to loss of vision. The serum helps in bringing the ocular pressure down that is exerted on the optic nerve and causes blueness of vision in the eye. If it is left untreated for a long time, then it will lead to total blindness. Bimatoprost is an effective medication to tackle the issue of narrow angle glaucoma. This medication also helps in treating hypotrichosis, a condition in which the eyelashes fall off. The Bimatoprost is also used for cosmetic purpose and elongate the beautiful eyelashes. You need to consult your doctor before using the eye serum of Bimatoprost for the treatment of either of the problem.

How to apply the ophthalmic solution of Bimatoprost

The eye serum of Bimatoprost is one of the safest drug to treat the growth of eyelashes. The suggested dosage of Bimatoprost bringing down the ocular pressure of glaucoma is one drop of 0.03% in the affected eyes or twice in a day for better results. You can ask the doctor before the application of the ophthalmic eye drop.

In case you are using it for the growth of eyelashes you can take the dosage of Bimatoprost 0.03% can be applied with applicator on the upper skin of the eyelid base. This can be taken once in a day.

What Are The Precautions And Warnings While Using Bimatoprost Eye Drop?

The eye serum of Bimatoprost 0.03% is the only medication that rectifies the problem of glaucoma in a very short time. As eye is one of the most sensitive organ of your body, there are some precautions that you need to take while using the medication of Bimatoprost.

  • The ophthalmic drug of Bimatoprost should not be used with any other eye medication.
  • Inform your doctor if you are using any other eye medication other than Bimatoprost.
  • The eye drop must be taken as per the doctor’s instruction only. Taking it at your own can prove harmful for your eye’s health.
  • Do not use the medication if you have undergone any eye surgery in the past or about to have one in the future.
  • The medication should be used by the help of its applicator only. It is suggested not to use the applicator more than 20 times.
  • In case of treating glaucoma, consulting with the doctor is must before taking buying Bimatoprost online.
  • People who are having a problem of damaged cornea must never use the ophthalmic serum of Bimatoprost.
  • You need to take off the lens, if you are using any before using the drug. Also you need to wait at least 30 minutes before you put the lens back again.
  • Some people may have allergic reaction against the active ingredient of bimatoprost used in the medication. In case you have such problem, then don’t use the medication.
  • Wash your hands properly always before and after using the eye drop of Bimatoprost.
  • Pregnant women are asked to stay away from the medication as the chemical in it can harm their fetus.
  • Keep the medication out of reach of children.

Side Effects of Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution

The drug of Bimatoprost 0.03% can cause some common side effects in some individual after its application and some of them include:

  • Skin darkness around eyes
  • Excess light sensitivity
  • Redness and irritation of eye lids
  • Itching of the eyes
  • Eye irritation
  • Dry eyes
  • Eye redness

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